Three "Must" or "Tears"!

                                                             Three “Must” or “Tears”!

“Study” and “Hear” and “Obey” or “Tears”! 


Then the Spirit said unto Phillip, go near and join thyself to this chariot.  And Phillip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, understandeth thou what thou readest?  (Acts 8:29&30)


The eunuch studied the Word, then the eunuch heard the Word, “Now” the eunuch can pass the “Test” through “Obeying the Word”.  We can study the Word, we can then Hear the Word, “But” if we do not “Obey the Word” we will not receive the “Life that The Word Offers”.  We will flunk the test that life gives, by sinning.


If we do not Study the Word, Hear the Word, and Obey the Word, Tears Will Flow.  Any one of these three areas that are absent from our living will “open us up” to attacks by the demonic spirits.  These attacks will lead us to create problems to ourselves and to our household.  These attacks are God’s way of using the “Rod of Correction” on us when we disobey Him and when we “refuse” to obey Him.


If we don’t study, we do not know if what we hear is truth or error.  If we don’t obey the truth that we have studied and heard, we cannot benefit from it. 

The Truth, the Bible, offers life “As We Obey It”.


It is through the “Spirit” that we are all connected.

Look at how God hooked them up through the Holy Spirit.

It was the Holy Spirit that led the Eunuch to Study.  The Holy Spirit then told Phillip to go to this Eunuch’s Chariot and listen.  Then the Holy Spirit told Phillip to explain the Word.  As the Eunuch went from here, He is now able to allow the Word to shine through his living and everybody he encounters benefits; it’ll work the same for us.


Studying, Hearing, and Obeying the Word 

will cause the “Tears to Cease” and be “Replaced with Joy & Rejoicing”.


Ask God to Bless you to Study, Hear, and Obey, The Word,

And Watch What Happens!


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