Too Late To Love!

                                                                 Too Late To Love!

“This is The Day”, “Now is The Hour”, “To Love!


He answered, Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father’s house, for I have five brothers.  Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.  (Luke 16:27&28)


Jesus said, “do not love the world, nor anything in it”!

Jesus also said, “When you have been strengthened, go and get your brother.

We cannot go and get anyone after we die, rather we go to heaven or to hell. 

Love Now.  Love is “Doing” for Others; it’s not a “Feeling”!


Our Daily Nugget

is a conversation between a rich man, who died, but he did not love his neighbor while he was living; and Abraham, who is in heaven with Lazarus. Lazarus was a beggar at the rich man’s gate.  The rich man would not “give nor love”.


Two Important Points From Our Daily Nugget.

1.     What do you “Think” when beggars beg you for money?

2.    We must be about warning our loved ones today; we may not see tomorrow.


Hell is a real place and based on the Bible, more people will be in hell then in heaven.  Everybody who ends up in hell will wish they were in heaven.  Please beware of the “Love of Money”.  The Love of Money blinds us to the needs of our neighbor.


The Bible says, “it’s better to give than to receive”, ask the person in the mirror this question; “Do You Really Believe This”, if so “Do You Really Live This”. The rich man loved his stuff too much to love his neighbor with it; he left it all at death.


Our “actions” follow our “thinking”.  Our Thinking is based on the “desires of our heart/mind”.  The same way that our mouths speak what our heart/mind is filled with, our actions follow what we have filled our heart/minds with.


Ask God to Bless You with a 

“Burning Desire” To Be “His Ambassador Today, “Before” it’s Too Late To Love,

And Watch What Happens!


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