Whose Report Shall You Believe?

                                                Whose Report Shall You Believe?


We Live or Die based on whose report we believe.

The Report of “Your Faith” or the Report of “Your Sight”?


But my servant Caleb, because he has a “different spirit” (heart/mind) and has followed (obeyed) me “fully”, “I Will” bring into the land into which he went, and his descendants “shall possess it”.  (Numbers 14:24)


The Spirit World is “Always Speaking” to us.

Here again we see, the spirit world, controlling the physical world.

The more we obey the Bible, the more we and our households are blessed.

The more we disobey the Bible, the more we and our households are cursed.


Caleb and Joshua “thought differently” from the other ten spies; thinking is spiritual activity.  All twelve spies saw the same people; ten of the spies “thought” about what they “saw” and “choose”; they lived by “Sight”.  Caleb and Joshua “thought” about what God “said” and “choose”; they lived by “Faith”.


Stand with God; the “majority” are “normally” wrong.

Kingdom Citizens understands that One plus God is a “Majority”!

Kingdom Citizens is as bold as a lion, but as humble as a lamb; we see it here.


When we change our “Thinking”, our “Living” must follow.  Caleb and Joshua exercised their “Faith”; they entered the “Promised Land”. The other ten spies exercised their “Sight”; they spent the rest of their lives wandering in the wilderness.


There is a “promised land” or a “wilderness” for each of us.

We chose the promised land, or we chose the wilderness; it is up to us.

The choice for us is to obey or disobey, the promised land or the wilderness.


The Promised Land: joy, peace, happiness, contentment, harmony, unity, faith, hope.

The Wilderness: division, lying spirits, greed, selfishness, idolatry, immorality.


Ask God to Bless You with The Wisdom to

Live By Faith and not by Sight; This is Believing the Right Report,

And Watch What Happens.


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