Don't Let The Devil Ride!

                                                       Don’t Let the Devil Ride!


If you let him ride, he’ll want to drive, so don’t let him ride!


The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the Lord God had made.  One day he asked the woman, Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden? (Genesis 3:1)

At that time Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil.  He fasted for forty days and forty nights and afterward was hungry.  The tempter approached and said to him, “If you are the Son of God. Command that these stones become loaves of bread.  (Matthew 4:1-3)


Whenever the devil, the tempter, comes to us, we have two options:

We can “let him ride”; we let him ride when we “respond” to him with our words.

We tell him that “you cannot ride” when we “respond” to him, with God’s Words!


Our Daily Nuggets are two perfect examples in scripture

of two people, one let the devil ride and one told the devil that he could not ride.


Eve responded to Satan with “her words”; there “is no” salvation in our words; our words can only lead to death, never to life.  When we depend on our words, Satan knows that he’s got us exactly where he wants us.  Depending on our words to respond to Satan is how we “let the devil ride”, the devil ended up driving.


Jesus responded to Satan with “God’s Words, the Bible”; there “is” salvation in God’s Words.  When we depend on God’s Words,  Satan knows that he “Must Flee”.  Depending on God’s Word is how we “Resist the Devil”; the Bible say that if we “Resist the devil that he will ‘flee’ from us”.  Jesus responded with God’s Words and the devil fled.


Know this, 

when we respond to life with our words, Satan has got us. When we respond with God’s Words, Satan knows that we’ve got him.  We are Ambassadors and Soldiers of the King; God’s Word is our Sword.  We are only “Authorized by God” to use “His Words”.  His Words are enough; “but” we must “Study It” to “Know It”; then we can “Use It”.


Ask God to Bless You with the Wisdom to

“never let the devil ride, if he never ride he’ll never drive, so don’t let him ride”,

and Watch What Happens!

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