Joy "In" Gratitude!

                                                                 Joy “In” Gratitude!


There is no “Joy” without “Gratitude”!


Rejoice always, pray continually, “give thanks in all circumstances”; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Oh, “give thanks” to the Lord, for He is “good”, for His “Steadfast Love” endures forever. (Psalms 107:1)


Our Service to God, 

Should Spring from A “Spirit of Gratitude” For Grace Received!


Gratitude – Extending favor towards or giving grace and kindness “as a response”.

Joy – A fruit of the “Holy Spirit”.  “Choosing to Respond” to external circumstances with inner contentment and satisfaction, because we know that God will use these experiences to accomplish His work in and through our lives.  We count it All Joy.


Our Daily Nugget

Instructs us to “Give Thanks In ‘All’ Circumstances”.

Picture yourself, Giving Thanks, in a Very Horrible Circumstance.

This is why we “Must Think Like and Live Like the New Creatures That We Are”.


Faith and Knowledge of the Bible, God’s Word, gives us the wisdom to “Give Thanks in All Circumstances”.  We “Must” Study The Bible!  Satan is a defeated foe, God is “With Us”; what do we have to fear? When God is With Us, He is a “Partner” in everything we Do, Say or Think.


Our Partner has “All Power”!


Practice living like “God is With Us”!

Practicing anything, makes us better at that thing.  The more we practice the better at that thing we get.  Practice having God with You until it becomes Automatic, like walking and talking.  Practice “Giving Thanks in All Circumstances”. As we practice God’s Light began to shine more and more on every circumstance we deal with; the demons stay away as we practice; the demons can’t handle the light that shines.


Ask God to Bless You With A

“Spirit of Gratitude” for the “Grace You’ve Received”,

And behold the “Joy” It Will Bring!


Have A Very Merry Christmas.


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