The "fruit" of "Wise Teachers"!

                                                The “Fruit” of “Wise Teachers”!


Pray to God for “Wise Teachers” and the “Desire to Study The Word”!


Whoever “despises” the Word “must pay” for it, but whoever “reveres” the command will be rewarded.  The teaching of the wise is a “fountain of life”, “turning one from the snares of death”. (Proverbs 13:13 & 14).


Through Study of The Word,

You can Identify the False Teachers and the Wise Teachers!  If we do not Study the Word, but Despise the Word, we don’t know if our Teacher is a False Teacher or a Wise Teacher.  Wise Teachers lead to Life, False Teachers lead to death.


Despise – “Woe” to him who despises God’s Word. – “Know Despise”!

The word despise doesn’t only mean loathing or hating something.  It also means contempt.  And contempt is the feeling that something is “beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn”.


Revere – “Profound” Respect and Love.  Study is a form of Reverence.


 With the Wisest Teachers, students will flunk the test in life, Unless They Study!

It Takes at Least Three Things to Study. “The Bible, Time, and a Praying Spirit”!

Why don’t people Study the Bible; better yet,  why don’t You Study the Bible?

If you Study the Bible, you know when to say, Amen or Lord Help Him.

Perform a test, ask seven people, the last time they studied the Bible,

if one can tell you, that would be a lot; I have done this.


If you don’t study the Bible, you don’t know Truth!

Our Daily Nugget has made it “Crystal Clear” that if we despise 

God’s Word we will Pay. If we Revere God’s Word, we will be Rewarded.


Ask God to Bless you with the Wisdom to

“Always Revere and to Never Despise His Word”

And Watch What Happens!


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