The "Giver": the "Receiver"!

                                                           The “Giver” the “Receiver”?


 “It is ‘Better to Give” than it is to Receive”!

There is nothing wrong with receiving, it’s just “better to give”!  


Remembering the Words, the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive. (…Acts 20:35)

Give, and you will receive.  Your gift will return to you in full, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your laps.  The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.  (Luke 6:38)


What Do You say?  

Look to your actions concerning giving and receiving for the answer.


What we “Give” determines What we “Receive”!

Loving the world will lead us to give less or nothing, thinking we will have more, the less we give away.  We don’t give to get; we give because we Love our Neighbors as we Love ourselves, we want their needs met.  God judge our motives.


Our Daily Nugget is about “Equal Weights and Equal Measures”.  God is a just and fair God.  Everything that He does and that He requires us to do is about being just and fair.  In the world, we have a term called “get over”, meaning we got a “deal”; the deal was not just and fair to all, but one-sided in my favor.  This is not the way Kingdom Citizens should live.  God is not pleased with this Old Creature Mentality.  For the Kingdom Citizen, the “Old is Gone, the New has Come”.


The Bible says, an unjust man argues about the cost of an item, and then goes 

off to brag about the good deal he got.  Ponder as to “why” someone would do that.


God uses the Holy Spirit to tell each of us what the other one needs and what He would like each of us to do for our neighbors.  The Holy Spirit knows what He has placed with each person.  When our heart/mind is set on Love, we will hear and obey the Holy Spirit and “Love Our Neighbor As We Love Ourselves”.


Selfish Spirits will keep this process from working for the Selfish Person.


Ask God to Bless You to Always Remember,

It’s Better to Give than to Receive,

And Watch What Happens!


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