The "Perfect Work" of "Patience"!

                                                 The “Perfect Work” of “Patience”!


"Patience” “Perfect Work” was shown in the “Life and Death” of Jesus! 


But let “Patience” have her “Perfect Work”, that ye “May be Perfect and Entire”, wanting nothing.  (James 1:4) The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want…

The Savior said, “Be ye ‘therefore’ “Perfect”, even as your Father which is in Heaven is “Perfect”.  (Matthew 5:48). I can Obey Him.


God’s Commands Are Not “Too Hard” for us To Obey!

This is Life Inside the Kingdom of God, while still on Earth!

God would never “Command” us to do something that was “impossible” for us to do. This is not an invitation to do everything without ever making a mistake; it is an invitation to “Commit” your “Heart/Mind, Your Thinking Process”, to God and what He would have you to do.  God’s “Will” takes first place over “Our Will”.


Ain’t Nobody Perfect!  That term “Is Not” a Bible Scripture! 

If I had five dollars for every time a Christian said this, I’d be very well off.

We, Kingdom Citizens, are commanded by The Bible to “Speak The Word”.  God’s Words leads to Life, “our words” leads to death.  We need to quit using “our words”.


Perfect – The “Words” Definition and The World’s Definition.

The Word’s Definition –A heart/mind, Thinking Process, committed to Living Holy.  

The World’s Definition - Never making a mistake or doing anything wrong. 


What is Holy?

 Holy is the “New” “Mindset” that “Governs” the “Thinking Process” of the individual who has said that Jesus is my “Lord and my Savior”, I “Believe”.  Therefore, I am Now a New Creature, Heading in a new and different direction in life.  I must now have,  “Apartness from the worlds way and Sacredness to the Biblical Way”.  I no longer follow my feelings, I follow The Word, The Bible.


Look at what New Creatures Are and Do. 

We Love our enemies, we no longer seek an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, we are committed to our oaths, we do divorce based on the Bible, we do not commit adultery, nor murder, we know that Jesus is the fulfilment of the law, we are salt and light for a dark world and we “Live It”.  (Matthew 5:1-47)


Ask God to Bless You with The Wisdom to

“Obey The Command to Be Perfect and to Let Patience Have Its Perfect Work”,

And Watch What Happens! 


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