The "Source" of "Your Pollution"!

                                                  The “Source” of “Your Pollution”!


We “Are” what we “Consume” in Our “Heart/mind”, 

our “Thinking Process”; “This Determines What Comes Out of Our Mouths!


Jesus called the crowd together again and said, “Listen now, all of you-take this to heart".  It’s not what you swallow that “Pollutes Your Life”; it’s “what you vomit-that’s the Real Pollution”.  (Mark 7:14&15)


I don’t Drink, I don’t Smoke, I don’t do Drugs; I Didn’t Pollute Me!

The “Wrong Raw Materials” In the “Thinking Process”, the “Heart/Mind”

Leads us To Live a Polluted Life!  What we vomit out is what we consumed in.


The Pharisees and the religious scholars were “Focused On, Thinking About” “The Religions and the Traditions, their focus had nothing to do with “Love”; “If It Ain’t Love It’s Just Noise”!  Please beware of the Deception and Noise in religions and traditions; they “cannot” lead to life, only death; “Unless The Bible Leads The Way”.


The Pharisees and the religious scholars asked, “Why do your disciples brush off the “rules”, “showing up at meals without washing their hands?”  Jesus answered, “Isaiah was right about “frauds like you”, you hit the bull’s eye in fact:  These people make a big show of “saying the right thing”, “But Their Heart (Mind) isn’t In It”.  They “Act Like” they are worshipping me, “But They Don’t Mean It”.  They just use me as a “cover” for teaching whatever suits their fancy, “Ditching God’s Command” and “taking up the latest fads”.  (Mark 7:5-8). 

This is not judging, this is “Speaking The Truth In Love”!


Let Our Daily Nugget Serve Us 

as a reminder and a warning that Our Real Pollution “occurs” when we put man-made-rules and regulations “Ahead of Love, the Word, the Bible”.  We will either have “Love, the Bible, God’s Word” heading our Thinking and Living or we will have “the world, man-made rules and regulations and traditions” heading our Thinking and Living.


We Cannot Serve Two Masters; Jesus “Must Be” our “Only Lord and Master”!


Ask God to Bless you with the Wisdom to “Not Be A Fraud”, and to

“Utilize ‘Love” to Purify You of Your Polluted Mentality”, 

And Watch What Happens! 


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