The "Wisdom" in "Denying Self"!

                                                  The “Wisdom” in “Denying Self”! 

The world is waiting on us to Deny Self and Live Holy!


For the wage of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23) 


Neither yield ye your members.

Do not yield to temptation.  It is no sin to be tempted, the sin lies in yielding.


The Wage of sin is “Death While Living”; freedom is in Jesus.

To yield or not to yield to sin is determined by our “Thinking Process”!

Whenever we are tempted to sin; we can “Yield” or, we can “Yield Not”!


Just like our mouths speak what we have filled our heart/mind with; rather we yield to temptation or not is based also on what we have “filled” our heart/mind with.


Our Daily Nugget

is telling us that the wage of sin is death, Jesus did not change that.  All who “believe” have chosen to “Yield Not to the Temptations” that the world offers.  This is a command from God to us.  The Bible says, “No Command From God to Us is Too Hard for Us to Obey”.  God would not do that to us; therefore, We Do No Have To Yield to Temptation ‘One’ Time”.


To “Yield Not” we must first “Sincerely Want to Yield Not”.  If we really want to yield to temptation then “we will yield to temptation” and just make popular worldy statements like “we all just weak, ain’t nobody perfect”.


Sin, yielding to temptation is “rampant” among the Body of Christ.  Greed, sexual immoriality, homosexuality, love of money, lying, deception of all kinds, are found in the Church just as much as it is found outside the Church.  


We Kingdom Citizens need to “Step Up and Speak Out”, “Stop Sinning” and “Live Holy”.  Living Holy “Starts” in the  heart/mind.  If it doesn’t start, it will never be.


The World Needs to “See” Kingdom Citizens “Yielding Not”.

Whatever you want “Ask God For It, including the ability to “Live Holy”!


Ask God to Bless You With the Desire and Wisdom to

“Live Holy”, by “Denying Self”, And

Watch What Happens!


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