You Can't Change "The Past"!

                                                    You Can’t Change “The Past”!


He Who “Lives” in “The Past”, Has No “Future”!

Churches, families, nations, have all died, due to attempts to “Live in the Past”!


“Forget” the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.  (Isaiah 43:18-19)


The Past is what it is, it “can” “never” be anything different!


Going Forward,

 while looking back, is “Great Foolishness; It will lead to destruction!

Think about driving a car while utilizing this strategy; it’s the same with life.

We cannot see where we are going if we are looking back to where we came from.


At first glance we all might say, “I don’t go forward while looking back, that’s crazy”.  However, that is the way we attempt, too often, to live our lives.  Seeking revenge is a way of going forward while looking back. Watch your “anger”; it leads to death!


“Thinking” about the Past is a guarantee that we will attempt to “Live in the Past”!


Our Daily Nugget is a “Command” to “Forget the Former Things”, The Past!

God is telling us about “His Mercy” on us, even though we “were unfaithful” to Him.  No longer should we dwell on our unfaithfulness nor the unfaithfulness of others, “We Have All Repented”, therefore God is doing a “New Thing” in each one of us.  We must forget the past, before we can receive our future.


Focus on “The New Thing”!  Our “Living” will follow Our “Focus”!


Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom To

“Forget Your Past, ‘So That’, You Can Receive Your Future”,

And Watch What Happens! 


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