


Everybody is an Ambassador of either God or Satan!


Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t “working with me” is actually working against me.  (Matthew 12:30)

…And has committed to us the word of reconciliation.  Now then, we are Ambassadors for Christ….  (2 Corinthians 19 & 20)


Whose Ambassador Are You?  Look to your living!

Ministering the Word of Reconciliation, The Ambassadors Job!

We Kingdom Citizens, Christians, “Are” Ambassadors of I Am, God.

Jesus said, If You Are Not Working “For Me” You’re Working Against Me!


Ambassador – An “accredited diplomat” “sent” by a Kingdom as its “Official Representative” to a foreign country, “To Deliver the Message of The King”!  


The message of the King is given to the

Ambassadors through The Word, The Bible, and through The Holy Spirit.


We must Study the Word, the Bible to “Know the Job Duties” for the Ambassador and “listen attentively” to the Holy Spirit’s Directions.  The Ambassador who chooses to “yield to the temptations of the world”, aka, chooses to live a sin-filled life, “loses their accreditation as an Ambassador”. 


Ambassadors are not permitted to “add to nor take away from the King’s Message”.

What an ambassador thinks or feel about the message has nothing at all to do with the Ambassador delivering the “Exact Message” that he was given.


Ambassadors Live by “Faith” and not by “Sight”, we do not obey the “woe is me spirit”! Ambassadors Trust the Word, and Living the Word is “Proof of Trust in the Word”!  Ambassadors take the “Shield of Faith” and uses it to “Detect and Defeat” each one of Satan’s attempts to get us to obey him, by living unholy.


Ambassadors Bring the “Light of God’s Word”, The Bible, to a “dark world”!


Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom to be an 

Ambassador who brings Honor to the King, by delivering His Message Faithfully,

And Watch What Happens!


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