Thy Kingdom Come!

                                                           Thy Kingdom Come!


You Determine If God’s Kingdom Come to You or Not!


Your Kingdom Come.  Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 

(Matthew 6:10)

Neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there!  for, behold, the “Kingdom of God” is “Within You”.  (Luke 17:21). (Your Heart/Mind)


God’s Kingdom Comes, When His Will is Done!

A sin-filled heart/mind will prevent God’s Kingdom from “Being In You”!


Adam and Eve lost The Kingdom! Jesus Restored unto Us The Kingdom! The Future Aspect of the Kingdom of God is Heaven!  The Present Aspect of the Kingdom of God is Within Us! There is a Present Aspect and a Future Aspect of The Kingdom!


All Things Are Possible “In The Kingdom”!

The Kingdom Of God is in Our “Heart/Mind”; We “access the resources” of the Kingdom through “Correct Thinking” which leads to Obedience in Living Right.

According to The Bible!


Our Daily Nugget

is part of Jesus teaching us “To Pray”.  The very first thing, after addressing God is asking that God’s Kingdom “Would Come”.  Our second Daily Nugget scripture lets us know that the Kingdom of God is in our “Heart/Mind” our Thinking.


The Kingdom of God and His Word, The Bible, “Always Travel Together”.  This is Light and the darkness of the world have a very hard time leading you wrong with The Light of the Kingdom shinning so bright, because now, “You Can See”!


We “Control” the “Dimmer Switch”, which determines how bright the light is in our Heart/Mind, where the Kingdom of God Is, will be.  Obedience pushes the switch up, disobedience pushes the switch down.  Prayer and fasting pushes the switch up, refusing to pray and fast pushes the switch down  Studying the Bible pushes the switch up, refusing to study the Bible pushes the switch down.


Loving The Lord and Loving Our Neighbor produces the Brightest Light!

The Brighter The Light in Your Heart/Mind, the less darkness can “dwell there”!


Ask God To Bless You to

“Honor His ‘Kingdom In You’ Through Holy Living” And

Watch What Happens!


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