Wait On "The Lord"!

                                                              Wait On “The Lord”!


To Wait on the Lord is to “Trust” In The Lord!


Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and “he shall” strengthen thine heart (mind):

wait, I say, on the Lord.  (Psalms 27:14)


It is “impossible” for the Lord to let us down when we ”Wait on Him”!


Our Daily Nugget

was written by King David, who at this point in his life was a “man on the run”. David was writing to himself and to us.  David was also referred to by God as a “man after His own heart”.  David committed adultery with a married woman who became pregnant and to cover it up, David had her husband murdered.  


David’s action was wicked and evil, now “Payday” has come to David for his wickedness and evil; his son rebelled against him, overthrew his kingdom, and now was trying to hunt him down to kill him.  


David is telling himself and us to “Wait on The Lord”.

It takes “Courage”, “Understanding”, and “Humility” to “Wait on The Lord”.


David caused his problems, sometimes we go through problems that we cause and sometimes we go through problems caused by others; either way the Kingdom Citizen “Wait on The Lord”.  Job did not cause his problem, but he “Waited on the Lord” and was delivered.  David waited on the Lord and he was delivered.


We do not need to try to vindicate ourselves, nor handle it,

 “Just Wait and Watch”!


God is a good father, who is always aware of what we are going through and what we are going to go through, he loves us and is a merciful and a forgiving God.  Jesus, our Lord, and Savior is our Deliverer, He is Standing By; to deliver those who are          

                                                    “Waiting on Him”!


Ask God to Bless you with the

“Courage, Understanding, and Humility to Wait on the Lord”

And Watch What Happens!


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