The "Gossipers"!

                                                                 The “Gossipers”!


Gossip - A Dangerous and Common Sin!

The Holy Spirt would never lead one to Gossip, only the Demonic Spirit!


At the same time, they also learn to be idle, going from house to house; they are not only idle, but they are also “gossips” and busybodies, “saying things they shouldn’t say”.  

(1 Timothy 5:13)


Our Daily Nugget 

are about Single women as Gossipers and Busybodies, as they learn to be “idle”!

All people, men and women of all ages can be gossipers and busybodies.  The best remedy for the Demon of Gossip is The Word, the Bible.  It is impossible to focus on gossiping and the Word at the same time.


Never Trust a Gossiper!

Our Words lead to Life or Death!  The Gossipers Causes Much Death, 

Destruction and Division”! The demon of gossip seeks out the “idled heart/mind”!


Gossip – One who reveals secrets, one who goes about as a talebearer or scandalmonger.  A gossiper is a person who has privileged information about people and proceeds  to reveal that information to those who have no business knowing it.  All at the guide of the “Demon of Gossip”.


Am I A Gossiper?

Gossiping is a Horrible Sin!

Never Obey the Demon of Gossip!

There is “No Benefit” in my Gossiping!

Gossiping is Sin and it is very “Ugly” & “Unkind”!

When I Gossip concerning you, I set up roadblocks in your life.

To Love my Neighbor as I Love Myself will Keep Me Safe from Gossiping!

Gossiping cost our neighbors and us untold amount of blessings, joy and harmony!


The Holy Spirit would never lead us to gossip concerning another, only the demonic spirit, “don’t obey him.  Obeying the Bible command to ”be slow to speak” and “quick to listen” will prevent a great deal of gossip; do not desire its taste. Know this, when I gossip concerning you, “I Am Hurting You” and being “Wicked and Evil” toward you; God takes note!  Gossiping is a bad sin and is too common.


Ask God to Bless You with the Wisdom to “Be The Church”! 

We cannot “Be The Church” and “Be A Gossiper” at the same time, and 

Watch What Happens!


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