When Jesus Calls!

                                                                When Jesus Calls!


Immediately, “Drop Everything” and Follow Him!


Come, follow me, Jesus said, and I will send you out to fish for people.  “At Once” they left their nets and followed him.  Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James, son of Zebedee, and his brother John, preparing their nets.  Jesus called them, and “immediately” they left the boat and their father and followed him.  (Matthew 4:19-22)


Jesus does not call Lazy People!

The Bible says lazy people are irritating!

Nothing is more important than answering the call.

Jesus the Word, and Satan the World, are always Calling!


Jesus Calls Us Every Day!

Jesus says in the Bible that “He is standing at the door of our heart/mind knocking”, wanting to come in and “direct” our Thinking and therefore our living.  We cannot serve God and Money.  In our Daily Nugget scriptures, these men were hard at work when Jesus called them; they “immediately” dropped what they were doing and followed him.  They did not consider the money they would not make.


Decide Today, to “Let Him Use You”, when He Calls!

To Love the world and the things in it will “prevent” us from dropping everything immediately or at all.  God has a work, a purpose for each one of us; we can say “Yes Lord or No Lord”.  To say Yes Lord leads to Life, to say No Lord leads to death. To say Yes Lord, we must die to self, from doing “our thing”. 


The disciples that Jesus called gave no thought to the “work” they were doing.  Nothing should be more important than what Jesus says for us to do.  The world will always have “something else” we could be doing, but we “must” remain open to the Holy Spirit’s direction.  Only what we do for Christ will last and be counted in the end.  We “must not” Love Money; we cannot Love Christ and Love Money; we will be Faithful to one and Faithless to the other.


Each Morning the Lord is Calling Us to Let Him Use Us, 

We Say, “Yes Lord”,

by being willing and ready, to Immediately Drop Everything to Follow Him, 

And Watch What Happens!


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