Be The Church!

                                                                    Be The Church!


The Kingdom Is Yours – Love the Lord and Your Neighbor!


The Kingdom is yours “for when” I was hungry, you gave me food to eat.  When I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink.  When I had no place to stay, you welcomed me into your home.  When I was without clothes, you gave me something to wear.  When I was sick, you cared for me.  When I was in prison, you came to visit.  (Matthew 25:35&36)


I heard a man say, true faith doesn’t stay locked within the walls of a church building.


Is The Kingdom Yours?  “For when”.

Whenever we do for the least of them, we do “it” for Jesus.

Whenever we refuse to do for the least of them, we refuse to do “it” for Jesus.


Our Daily Nugget

is letting us know what “Love” looks like for Kingdom Citizens.  In our Daily Nugget Jesus is telling the people that the Kingdom is theirs, they did these things for Him, and we know that when we do things for people in need, we are doing it to Jesus.  When we feed a hungry person, we’re feeding Jesus.  When we refuse to feed a hungry person, we are refusing to feed Jesus.


Kingdom Citizens Must “Love”!  It‘s “Proof of Salvation”!


The chapter that our daily nugget comes from had just finished the parable about the ten virgins; five were wise and five were foolish, the oil represents Love, the five wise ones Loved, the five foolish did not Love.  The foolish were not allowed to enter the Kingdom.  Also, this chapter talked about the three men that were given “talents” and were told to go invest them in life.  The foolish man “buried his talent”, he refused to Love, he was not allowed in the Kingdom. 


The commands to

“Love the Lord and to Love Your Neighbor” are not optional commands, but “evidence” that we believe and did not lie when we said we believe.  Love is “Doing”!  Feeling like doing is not Love, feeling like not doing is extremely selfish and foolish. We all need to “Love” and we all need to “Be Loved”.


Ask God to Bless you with the Wisdom to 

“Make Your Love Real by Doing for One Another”

And Watch What Happens.


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