


Character – The Real Person, Beneath the Skin.


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, “for I am ‘gentle and humble’ in heart (mind)”, and you will find rests for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)


Saved or Unsaved!

Our Living follows our Thinking.

Good and Bad character is defined by the Bible.

Our Characteristics are the “Fruit” of our Character.

Our characteristics will either be, Christ like, or Satan like.

Our characteristics are our way of letting everyone know “what” we are. 

Character – The mental and moral qualities “distinctive” to an individual.

                  Our character will express “the real us”, through our characteristics.


Kingdom Citizens have a “New Character”, because we are New Creatures, which brings about New Characteristics, otherwise we are still the old creature.


Our Character and our Motives “walk” together.

A gentle and humble hear/mind is the character to seek.

The world says be strong and assertive, take control, be in charge.


One of the first characteristics of all the people God used was that God alone was “first” in their Thinking Process.  When God is first and foremost in our Thinking Process it “will show” itself in our characteristics, the things we “do and don’t do”.


A repentant heart/mind will have the character that Christ had; and an unrepentant heart/mind will have the character that Satan has.  We know a person is a thief because they focus on stealing and steal all the time; we know a person is honest because they focus on being just and fair, that person does not steal.  In both scenarios their “character”, what they will do or will not do, is determined in their heart/mind, the Thinking Process.


God Judges Our Motives!


Ask God to Bless You to Have the Heart/Mind of Christ And

Watch Your Characteristics Please Him. 


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