Fire Flyers for Jesus!

                                                           Fire Flyers for Jesus!


To whom “Much is Given”, “Much is Required”!


That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the

midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as “lights in the 

world”.  (Philippians 2:5)


The Crooked and Perverse Nation 

“Needs Our Light”; We have been “Given Much”!

Kingdom Citizens are to be “Fire Flyers” for a crooked and perverse nation!


Fire Flyers – A winged nocturnal beetle that produce soft intermittent light.  Their

                     light shines in the darkness.  You can catch them, tie a thread on their 

 tail and they would fly around and “light your way ”.  Put them together 

 in a jar and they will light the room.


Our Daily Nugget

instructs us to be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, “Without Rebuke”.  Nobody, who’s doing wrong, wants to hear you tell them about Jesus and obeying Jesus, when you are sinning and doing more wrong than them.


That ye may be “blameless and harmless”!


We, Kingdom Citizens must obey the command to “Keep Ourselves Unspotted from

the World”.  We must be careful concerning “How we Live before the World”.  It is

not about never committing a sinful act, it is about “Having Respect and Honor for

God”, our Father.  Let your obedience to God, spring from a spirit of “Gratitude for

the Grace Received”.  Look forward to and enjoy obeying the Bible.


God has made “believers” the Light for the World.  The world “should” be able to

look at us and know what Jesus is like.  Characteristics that are above rebuke, like

sharing, forgiving, joyful, gentleness, kindness, accommodating, steadfastness; these qualities, and the like “draws”, these qualities are above reproach and rebuke. 


Ask God to Bless You with the Wisdom to Live in A Way To

“Keep Yourself Unspotted from The World”,

And Watch What Happens.


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