Revelation - The Revealing!

                                                  Revelation – The Revealing!


The Holy Spirit Reveals “The Way”, otherwise, we’ll never Know It.!


But God hath “revealed” them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searches all things, 

yea, the deep things of God.  (2 Corinthians 2:10)


Christianity and Religion are not the same.

The people had Christianity and Religion twisted, Paul is getting it straight.

Religion depends on Revelation; however, Christianity does not depend on Religion!


Christianity – “Belief” that Jesus is the Messiah promised in the Old Testament, the  Son of God, sent to earth to save humanity from the consequences of its sins.

Revelation – To uncover something not yet known.

Religion – A “particular system” of faith and worship.  Religion is not a belief. 

                This “system” of faith and worship may or may not be based on the Bible.


Our Daily Nugget is Paul’s letter to the Church at Corinth and to us, letting us know

that The Way has been revealed and will be revealed to us through the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Sprit’s job is to reveal all things to us.  Corinth was a lot like the United 

States, financially rich, with many gods and religions.


Don’t miss “Christianity” in pursuit of “Religion”!

This was Saul’s dilemma until he met Jesus, when he met Jesus, he became the new 

creature Paul.  Love guided, not being first in the class in Religion.  Saul was 

“faithful” to his religion, he was not faithful to Christ.  There are many religions, but 

only “one” has “saving power”.


God has commanded us to “Study” the Bible, that we might “rightly divide the Word 

of Truth”, the Bible.  There’s “rightly” and “wrongly” dividing the Word of Truth.

Rightly dividing the Word of Truth leads to “Life”, wrongly dividing the Word of 

Truth leads to Death.


God Knew that we could not make it on our own; 

therefore, He sent the Holy Spirit to “Reveal” to us the things we need to know.


Ask God to Bless us to always

Hear and Obey the Holy Spirit, as He “Reveals” things to us,

And Watch What Happens.


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