The Exchange.

                                                                     The Exchange.


Exchange “It” “Some Day” for a “Crown”.


Let us “not become weary” in doing good, for at “the proper time” we will “reap a harvest” “if we do not give up”.  (Galatians 6:9)


Nothing on this earth is meant to Last Forever; good nor bad.


Our Daily Nugget

is Paul explaining to the Church at Galatia and us that at times in life in our efforts to do good, live right and treat people right, we can become weary, tired of doing good and right. Paul is telling us not to become weary in doing good for at the “proper time” we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.


The troubles that we endure for 

“Righteousness Sake” will be “Exchanged for A Crown”!  Count It All Joy!


To begin any endeavor with “The End in Mind” is a Wise Way to live.  We head toward that which we Focus On.  To Focus on the problem  draws us more into the problem, to focus on the solution draws us more to the solution.  


When Jesus looked into his cup of suffering, it caused Him to become weary.  Then Jesus looked at the “harvest”, the lost souls that would be found and this focus along with prayer to the father for help, caused him to conclude and understand that the time was coming where He would “Exchange His Sufferings for A Crown”.


The Prizes of Life are given at the “End of the Race”!

Hang In There -The Temporary Sufferings of Today is nothing compared to the eternal rewards coming to us after “The Exchange”!  The Bible is filled with people who did not give up, but hung in there to the end, “The Exchange”.  After the Exchange is the Reward; this is where we should Focus our attention on.  Focusing on the reward instead of the cross, enable us to “Walk on by Faith to Victory”.


God’s Word is “Truth”, for God Cannot Lie.

Always know that “The Exchange “ will occur at the “Proper Time”!


Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom to

“See the End Before You Begin” and to “Not Become Weary in Well Doing”,

And Watch What Happens. 


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