The Gentle Tongue.

                                                               The Gentle Tongue.


Our Words have “Creative Power”.


A gentle tongue is a “tree of life”, but perverseness (evil in words) in it breaks

the spirit. (Proverbs 15:4)


Our Words will bring “Life” or “Death”!

A Wise Prayer – Lord, bless me to have a Gentle Tongue.

Love your neighbor as you love yourself. – Use a Gentle Tongue with them.


Our Daily Nugget

is Solomon giving us wise instruction concerning using our tongue. The Bible says, 

that, “the mouth speaks what the heart/mind has been filled with”. When we fill our

heart/mind with good words, good ideas, joyful ideas, wise words, hopeful words, 

right things, “then” our tongue will be a “tree of life” for ourselves, our household, 

and our neighbors.


When we fill our heart/mind with selfishness, pride, anger, hurt, vengeance, arrogancy, the froward mouth, cursing, deception,  “then” our tongue, our words will be “perverse”, untrustworthy, deceptive, leading to death; for ourselves, our households, and our neighbors.


Remember, that “Our Words are ‘birth’ from our Thinking”.


Jesus said to us to come to Him all who are heavy laden and burdened, He offers us rest for He is “Gentle”.  We can all rest with one another when we are all “gentle” with one another.  None of us can rest when we are all harsh with each other.


Gentle – Having or showing a mild, kind, or tender temperament or character.

    Moderate in action, effect, or degree, not harsh or severe.


Commit to “treating people the way, you’d like people to treat you”.  If you like people to speak gentle and be kind to you, “practice, ask God to help you”, to treat people with gentleness and kindness. Surely, God will answer this prayer.  We all have a responsibility to one another to Live like Jesus, being Gentle is Living Like Jesus.


Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom to have a

Gentle Tongue Always, especially when you’re mad and don’t want to be Gentle,

And Watch What Happens!


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