The Keys!

                                                                        The Keys.


We’ve got “The Keys” to “The Kingdom”!


I will give you the “Keys to the Kingdom”, and whatever you bind on earth shall be

bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 

(Matthew 16:19)

“All Things” are possible in the “Kingdom”.


We can do All Things through Jesus, the Christ, for He strengthens us.

When the doors are locked, the world needs the one with The Keys!  Sin locked the 

doors and without the Keys we are prisoners of sin and wrongdoing.  Thanks be to 

Jesus the Christ who has given us the Keys, now we can set ourselves and others 

“Free” from the "Power of Sin".  We were set free from the “Penalty of Sin” when we

 first believed.  Jesus the Christ is King of the Kingdom and He has now given us

 “The Keys”. 


Our Daily Nugget tells us, “Our Words have Creative Power”!

Think about this all day long and remember, you’ve got the Key to “It”.


In our Daily Nugget Jesus asked the disciples who do people say that He is and he 

asked them who do they say He is?  Peter answered that, you are the Christ, the son 

of the Living God.  Then Jesus told them that he would give them the Keys to the

Kingdom.  The one with the keys can enter and allow others to enter.


The Keys to the Kingdom Allows us Access to all the “Resources of the Kingdom! 

Having the Keys to the Kingdom gives us “Salvation from the Power of Sin”!


We, Kingdom Citizens do not have to yield to the sinful self, we can stand and be 

the men and the women that God has called us to be.  The Keys gives us the power

to “speak those things that are not as if they are”, to “pray for people who misuse 

us”, to “give to everyone who ask us for something”.  


The Keys gives us the ability to “Walk on By Faith”! The more we Study God’s 

Word, the more we will be able to “Apply Each Key” to a particular dilemma. The 

Keys gives us the ability to “Live and Look” like Jesus to a dark world.


Ask God to Bless You to Live by Faith, and not by Sight. 

This will remind you to use “The Keys” to open the doors locked to you, and

Watch What Happens!


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