The Power in Oneness.

                                                         The Power in Oneness.


The People were able to do anything because they were One.


Our prayer is that “together”, we “may be filled with the knowledge of “His Will” in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, “so as to walk” in “a manner worthy of the Lord”, fully pleasing to Him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.    (Colossians 1:9-10)


We are, what we consume.

The power of oneness works for good and bad.

The people were able to accomplish anything because they were “One”.

We can either fill ourselves with Good Knowledge or with Bad Knowledge.


Our Daily Nugget

is Paul explaining to us that we must be one, by filling our heart/mind with the “Knowledge of God’s Will in all Spiritual wisdom and understanding”.  This filling enables us to Live a Life “Worthy of the Lord”, “bearing Fruit in every good work”, “and Increasing in the Knowledge of God”.  To stop increasing is to start decreasing.


Before we can “walk together” we must agree with one another.  Feelings, religions, traditions, are not the knowledge of His Will, only the Bible is.  Our living will follow our focus.  To fill our heart/mind with the Word, the Bible, gives us “the same” “Knowledge of His Will”.  


For the world to see Kingdom Citizens 

living, walking, as one, according to the Bible, is a Great Witness.

When this occurs, Love, not Noise will be the “Guiding Light” the people follow.


The Bible is the way we agree as Kingdom Citizens; the Bible must come before our religions and traditions, if not, we will never be one, but always divided.   The world already has division, why should they be attracted to Our Division?  The Bible is God’s Word, religions and traditions are man’s words.  We must not have any god, “Before God”.


Kingdom Citizens 

committed to following Jesus based on the Bible First, will make us “One”.


Ask God to Bless You with the Wisdom that your 

Living will Bear Fruit in Every Good Work

And Watch What Happens!


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