


The Spirit of Wickedness leads to Disgrace!


When wickedness comes, contempt comes also, and with dishonor comes disgrace.  (Proverbs 18:3)


There is no “peace” for the wicked saith the Lord.

Are you glad you are not wicked?  Do you know anyone who is?

Wickedness is thinking, mental; evil is the “Action Arm” of Wicked Thinking.


“Study”, so that you will “Know”.

My People Perish for “Lack of Knowledge”!

Contempt – The feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn.

Disgrace – Loss of reputation or respect due to a dishonorable action. 

Dishonor – A state of shame or disgrace.

Honor – Showing esteem for one deserving of respect, attention, or obedience.

Wickedness – “Thinking” of bad, hurtful, wrong things to do to people.  A “mental” disregard for justice, righteousness, truth, honor, virtue; evil in life.


Our Daily Nugget

is a challenge to us to “Examine our Heart/Mind” to know if the Spirit of Wickedness dwells in us.  Ask yourself, have you ever looked up the definition of wicked?  We all have an idea of what wicked is, and we know “it is not us”, but them.  Study.


Wicked starts between the ears through Thinking.  If you “Think” of bad, hurtful, wrong things to do to people “You Are Wicked”, period.  God says there is no peace for the wicked.  The reason does not matter, no reason is justified in God’s Sight for us to be wicked and it's okay.  Kingdom Citizens are commanded to Love, period.


Do you Love or do you Like?

Is there peace or confusion in your home?

It is a Disgrace for a wicked person to be wicked and don’t know it.

They will not “Know” the reason they have no peace; they will blame another.

If you have never studied the word wicked, how do you know where you stand?


Ask God to Bless you with the wisdom to 

        Know Wicked, to make sure that you are not the Wicked One; to avoid Disgrace.

And Watch What Happens.


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