Good Stewards of God's Grace.

                                                   Good Stewards of God’s Grace.


We Must Not Treat “God’s Grace” as a “Cheap Thing”!


Therefore, since Christ has suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the “same mind”, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin.  They are surprised that you “do not join them” in the same excess of wild living, and so they speak evil of you.  (1Peter 4:1&4)

Be Grateful for His Grace!


Grace – The divine influence which operates in humans to “regenerate and sanctify”, to inspire virtuous impulses, and to impart strength to endure trial and resist temptation.

Steward –  Manage or look after (another’s property).


We Treat God’s Grace as a Cheap Thing 

when we choose to live like we lived before we “Believed”.

We need the “same mind” that Christ had, to do what He has called us to do.

Whatever you want, ask God for it, including the “same mind that” Christ had. 

The mind that Christ had and the one we need is to be about Our Father’s Business. 


Our Daily Nugget makes it plain.  God’s Grace gives us what we don’t deserve and don’t give us what we do deserve; we could not save ourselves; the Sufferings of Christ, paid for me, a price I could not pay.  Now I am Free, due to God’s Grace.  


We Kingdom Citizens are “Receivers” of God’s Grace, and we must be Good Stewards of God’s Grace.  Since we are New Creatures, the world expects and rightly so, to see people living like New Creatures, “not perfect creatures”, but New in our “Thinking”.  New Thinking will lead to New Living.


Good Stewards of God’s Grace, “Honors His Commands”, and treat with upmost respect the “responsibility” we have, to Look Like Jesus to a “Lost World”.  Our witness will be lost if we continue to live like the people we use to hang out with, doing what we use to do.  “Right Thinking” “will lead” us to do the “Right Things”.


To Love the Lord and to Love Our Neighbor is “Right Thinking”.


Ask God Bless You with the Wisdom to 

“Think Right”

And Watch What Happens


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