


Birds can Fly, but the Eagles can “Soar”.


But they that “wait” upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

(Isaiah 40:31)


Soar – To fly “without effort” and not “lose altitude”!


What does it mean “To Wait on The Lord”?

To Wait on the Lord is a “Decision” to “Trust” God’s Way of handling situations and to utilize “Patience” and “Hope” until The Lord comes through.  To Wait on the Lord is to “Believe” that God has a “Comfort for His People’s, Present Dilemma”, and we must not attempt to handle it in our own strength.


Our Daily Nugget is telling us what will happen when we “Wait on the Lord”.

1.    Our strength shall be renewed.

2.    We shall deal with life “effortlessly”, like the eagle “soars”.

3.    We shall run and not be weary, because we are running in God’s strength.

4.    We shall walk and not faint, because we are walking in God’s strength.


When we “Do Not Wait on The Lord”; our strength shall not be renewed, life will be a strain and a drain, we will get tired and become weary as we run, when we walk, we will faint.  We will teach our children to be like this, for we teach our children what we are.

Pride is one of the main reasons we do not Wait on the Lord. Pride comes before the fall, it is contagious.


It is much better to soar than to fly.

Death to Self, “Must Occur”, Before We Can Soar Like the Eagles.


The Eagle Utilizes What God Provides, the wind’s current, to “Soar”!  Anxious people cannot Soar, because the anxious spirit will not Wait on the Lord; they will proceed in their own effort.  This is when we create big problems for ourselves and for our households.

Refusing to Wait on the Lord makes God jealous.

Ask God to Bless You with the Wisdom to

Wait on The Lord; this will take you from Flying to Soaring; 

And Watch What Happens.


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