Thank the Lord!

                                                                     Thank the Lord!


“Thank the Lord” with your Living not with your Mouth?


I will “thank you” by living as I should!  Psalms 119:7

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to “offer your bodies as a living sacrifice”, holy and pleasing to God-this is your true and proper worship. (Romans 12:1)


The Lord wants us to say “Thank You” to Him.

What you “Do” Speak “So Loud” Till “I Can’t Hear What You Say”!


Our Daily Nuggets

are letting us know that God wants us to Thank Him by “Living the Way Kingdom Citizens” should live, and that God doesn’t accept our Thank You when our lifestyle is that of Satan and not that of a Kingdom Citizen.  It is not okay to sin, “Love”.


We cannot lead the lost to Christ when we “Live like the Lost”!

We must Live Holy and in a manner that is Pleasing to God; “This is Worship”.


New Creatures “must” live like New Creatures.  Jesus gave all Kingdom Citizens this command, “Go Ye Therefore and Teach Them to Observe All that I Command You”.  To live like the Old Creature, after confessing that we are a New Creature qualifies us as a “Hypocrite”, a “Pretender”.


God Cannot Use Pretenders!

Pretenders, “Pretends to be Kingdom Citizens”!

God Commands us to Live Holy, not to Live Perfectly!


When we “chose” to live differently than what the Bible commands; this is evidence that we have “chosen” to obey the demonic spirit telling us to live like this.  We will not be able to please God while living in obedience to the demonic spirit.


I Can Do “All Things” Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.

If you Believe that, you can Do That!


Desire to and Focus on “Living Holy” all day, ask the Lord to Help You.

For this is how Kingdom Citizens say, Thank You.

And Watch What Happens!


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