The Spirit of Nineveh.

                                                           The Spirit of Nineveh.


Says to us today; “Repent and Be Saved”!


When “Jonah’s Warning” reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in dust.  (Jonah 3:6)


The Body Follows the Head.

The King demonstrated a “Repented Spirit”.

Humility – Is the Evidence of a “Repented Heart/Mind”.

When the Man of God brought The Word, they “Repented and was Saved”!


Repent – To make a “change” of mind, heart, and action, by turning away from sin,

               and self and returning to God.


The King’s physical action showed Inward Change.

This is the Spirit of Nineveh after them Hearing God’s Message.

Before hearing God’s Message Nineveh was a lot like the United States.

Very rich, many gods, people spent much time in pleasure, and forgot God.


God would rather forgive a repented spirit, then punish a rebellious heart.

God had come to the end of His rope with rebellious Nineveh and had decided to destroy them due to their sins.  Before God punishes us, He “always” offer “salvation”, a way out.  To escape the punishment for our sins; we must “Repent and Commit to Sin No More”, or some “Worse Thing will come upon Us”.


The Abundant Life is The Fruit of Repentance!


We all would Love the Abundant Life, but we will not experience the abundant life with a disobedient spirit.  Disobedient to the Bible.  God has commanded us to Study the Bible, if we don’t Study, and don’t do what the Bible says, we will not know how to live in a way the pleases God.  Lack of Knowledge of what God requires is not an escape from punishment from failure to do what God Requires.


Study, Become Wise, to “Pass the Test in Life”.

If we don’t Study, we will not be able to pass the test, we’ll flunk. When we flunk the test in life, we and our households will not receive the salvation that would have been available had we passed the text.  We will not be “approved workers”.


Ask God to Bless You with the Wisdom to 

Hear, Repent, and Obey His Word

And Watch What Happens.


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