


The Power and Wisdom in “Unity”!


For where two or three are gathered together “In My Name”, “I am there among them”.  (Matthew 18:20)

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.  (Ecclesiastes 4:12)


Our Daily Nuggets

are giving us two examples of the Power and Wisdom in being “Unified in Jesus Name”. Satan knows the power and wisdom that comes in Kingdom Citizens being unified in Jesus Name; we will be able to do “Anything Good”.  The power of Unity works even for wickedness and evil, although God will bring their efforts to naught.


The people were unified in wanting a king to lead them instead of God; that is a bad thing.  They wanted to be like everybody else, they did not want to be “peculiar”.  God gave them the bad thing; it came to naught.  Focusing on self  will always prevent “Unity” in your heart/mind, for a selfish spirit and a spirit of unity cannot dwell in the same heart/mind at the same time.  It is better to give than to receive.


Perfect Example of Unity.

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Each one understands that they must stay in their lane.

These three are so Unified to the Point that they are “One”!

Humility and Steadfastness is required for Unity to exist among people.


Enemies of unity and oneness; selfishness, pride, lying, cheating, stealing, using the froward mouth (smart mouth), refusing to Study the Bible, arrogance, etc.   Jesus instructs us to ask for “Anything in His Name” and “It Shall be Given unto Us”.


To “assure” that our Unity is blessed by God, it must be based on the “Bible Alone”, not religion nor tradition.  Religion and tradition leading the way instead of the Bible will lead to “division”, like we have now among groups who identify as Christians. For a group of people to be unified concerning the “wrong thing” will make them enemies of God, even though they have unity.  Study the Bible to know the way.


Ask God to Bless You 

to be Unified with other Believers around the “Bible Alone”,

And Watch What Happens.


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