You Are the Best Thing.

                                                            You Are the Best Thing.


You Are the Best Thing; That Has Ever Happened to Me.


But what things “were gain to me”, those I counted loss for Christ.  Yea doubtless, and I count “all things but loss” “for the excellency of the ‘knowledge’ of Christ Jesus my Lord”: for whom I have suffered the loss of “all things”, and do count them dung, “That I May Win Christ”.  (Philippians 3:7-8)


The More we Love Jesus, the Less we Love the world!

Can’t imagine life without the world, chances are we Love the world over the Word.


Our Daily Nugget and Title

is letting us know the “Mentality” of the individual once they “Chose” the “Word over the World”.  When we place Jesus at the head and place Him on the “Throne of our Life”, our Thinking; “everything” that was at the head and on the throne, is now considered as insignificant as “dung”.


The Deception of Riches Concerning the Word.


The rich young ruler did not have this “Mentality”; he said that he loved the Lord, but he loved the World “More” than he loved the Lord.  The question is this; is Jesus or the World “The Best Thing That Has Ever Happened to You”?  In the Bible God commands us to have no other god before Him.  They both “are not” the best thing, Jesus tolerates no rivals.


The Rich young ruler was very religious, he dotted all the “I’s” and crossed all the “T’s”, except the main one; He chose the World over the Word.  He and all those around him, on a scale of one to ten would, no doubt, give him a ten, due to his religious activities.  But he was not worthy, he had a god, “riches”, before God.


Paul was the writer of our Daily Nugget; he was at the top of His Class in religious activities.  He loved his religion and all the pomp and pageantry, that came with it, he did not love Jesus.  Once he “Fell in Love With Jesus”, then Jesus, instead of his religion became “The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Him”.  Now Saul, became the New Creature Paul, ready to do God’s Work.


Ask God to Bless you with the Mentality that,

“Jesus is the Best Thing that has Ever Happened to Me”,

And Watch What Happens.


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