


The Kingdom Citizen’s Bodyguard.


For the angel of the Lord is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who “fear” Him. (Psalms 34:7

Don’t you realize that I could ask my heavenly Father for angels to come at any time to deliver me? And instantly he would answer me by sending more than twelve legions of angels to come and “protect us”.  (Matthew 26:53-54)


Angels are Spirit Beings, Mighty Warriors, servants of God and Man.


Fear – To hate evil, pride, arrogancy and the froward (smart) mouth, the evil way.

Legion – A legion is six thousand. 


Our Daily Nuggets are letting us know that God’s Angels surrounds and defends us when we “hate” evil, pride, arrogancy, the froward mouth, (what we today call a smart mouth), and the evil way of living.  Evil is doing to people what you would not like done to you.  To fear the Lord is not to be afraid or scared of Him.


Angels are still sent by God today to protect us; but only if we “Fear The Lord”.  To Fear the Lord is to live in “humble obedience” to God, The Bible; trusting God for our Daily Bread, asking Him to help us.  Bless yourself and your household, “Learn to Fear the Lord”!


The Lord Knows When We “Fear” Him and When We Don’t!

It is impossible for the Lord to refuse to send His Angels to protect us when we Fear Him.  When a heart/mind don’t fear the Lord, it means that they are pride filled, arrogant, smart mouthed and chose the “evil way” of living.


The Lord “humbles the proud” by sending all sorts of calamity into the lives of the one who refuses to “Fear Him” and chooses the “evil way”.  Evil is the action arm of wicked thinking.  Therefore, all evil people are wicked people.


To Live Holy, is Fearing The Lord.

Let The Angels “Help You”; “Live Holy”, Love the Lord and Your Neighbor!


Ask God to Bless You With the Desire and Wisdom to 

“Fear The Lord”

And Watch What Happens!


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