


The Forgiver! – The Forgiven!


Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, with all malice, and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, “forgiving one another”, as God in Christ forgave you.  (Ephesians 4:31-32)


Only the Forgivers will be Forgiven.

We All need to Forgive, and We All need to be Forgiven!

To forgive is to start “new life” for the Forgiver and for the Forgiven.


Forgive – The act of pardoning an offender.  Literally means “To Let Go”.


Experience the “joy” in forgiving and in being forgiven.  It is very unhelpful and very unhealthy, physically, and spiritually, to refuse to forgive.  The Holy Spirit will always lead you to forgive, the demonic spirit will always lead you to “not forgive”.  The demonic spirit will say, “you saw what they did, they deserve your anger”.  The demonic spirit hates you, the Holy Spirit Loves You.


No one is “in a position” to Refuse to Forgive.

Everything Leads to somewhere, even Forgiving and being Forgiven.

Forgiveness leads to Life, unforgiveness leads to Death; physically and spiritually.

To forgive is evidence that we heard and obeyed the Holy Spirit.  To refuse to forgive is evidence that we heard and obeyed the demonic spirit.


Chances are very good that whatever we are refusing to forgive someone of, is less than what we need to be forgiven from.  All sin and wrongdoing are firstly against God; therefore, we all need to be forgiven. It is “Great Arrogance” to be guilty as a dog, free as a bird, because God forgave us, to turn and refuse to forgive another.


God gave us an example of how He treated a guy in the Bible who did this in a parable. The man owed a great debt to the King, the man begged for forgiveness, the King forgave him.  The man turned right around and and refused to forgive a man who owed him much less and had him thrown in prison until he paid the debt.


The King heard about this and took back his forgiveness of debt to this man and had him thrown in prison until he could pay the full amount.  The Bible is written to show us how God runs His world; God is a God of equal weights and equal measures.


Ask God to Bless you with the Desire and Wisdom to “Forgive”,

And Watch What Happens.


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