Tested Faithfulness!

                                                                Tested Faithfulness! 


The Ram in the Bush.  The Lord Always Provides for the Faithful!


Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns.  He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering “instead of his son”.  So, Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide.  And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the Lord, ‘It’ will be provided”.  (Genesis 22:13&14)


The Faithful will see “The Ram in The Bush”!

A Wise Prayer: “Lord Bless Me to Exercise ‘My’ Faith like Abraham”.

No One nor Nothing is more important to the Kingdom Citizen, then Obedience! 


Let Us Really “See” What Is Happening Here!

God had “promised” Abraham that he would be the Father of many nations through his wife Sarah. Sarah was barren and had never gotten pregnant, now she is about ninety and Abraham was well over ninety.  Abraham’s Faith “never wavered” that what God said would happen.


Finally, in her nineties, Sarah conceived and bore a son, they named him Isaac. At the time of our Daily Nugget scripture, Isaac was a young boy and “God Tested Abraham’s Faithfulness”.  God told Abraham that he wanted him to take his son, his only son, and go sacrifice his only son to God in a burnt offering.  The “next morning” Abraham set out with his son to a particular place, three days journey.  


Abraham had three days to “think” about the fact that he was to kill his only son with a knife and burn his body on an altar as a “Sacrifice to God”.  What would he tell his wife, what about the Promise God made to him?  Obedience and Trust guided Abraham, we must let Obedience and Trust guide us to “Please God”.  Abraham believed that God would bring Isaac “back to life”, to fulfill The Promise.


Nothing is Too Hard For God.

Believing this Truth, gives us the Wisdom to “Exercise Our Faith”.  Without Faith it is impossible to Please God.  All things are possible to those who “Believe” and “Exercise Their Faith”; just Trust God, He will come through.


Ask God to Bless You to

“Live by Faith and Not by Sight”, now you can “Pass The Test”,

And Watch What Happens!


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