The "Narrow Way"!

                                                               The “Narrow Way”.


The Narrow Way has ”No Room for Self”!


Enter by the “narrow gate”; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.  Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which “leads to life”, and there are few who find it.  

(Matthew 7:13-14)


The Narrow Way is “The Way of Love”; “Doing For Others”.

Make Christ Real In Your Life, 

“Through” Growth, Which Starts as “A Choice”, “A Decision”!

To “Experience Spiritual Growth”, We Must “Live Focused on Eternity!

With eternity in our heart/mind the Holy Spirit will lead us to the Narrow Gate.


The Old Creature, by default will go to the “wide gate”, the natural, easy way, along with the crowd, the majority.  Remember, the majority is normally wrong.  The few will enter through the narrow gate, the majority will go through the wide, easy gate. 


It takes more effort, work, sacrifice, accommodating, forgiving, to go through the Narrow Gate.  To go through the wide gate, we just live for self, it’s an easy way to live, little effort, little work, no sacrifice, unaccommodating, unforgiving,  It is well worth it to choose the Narrow Gate, Great Blessings awaits those who go through the Narrow Way and God is pleased.


A “Heart/Mind” “Committed to the Lord” will “Only Hear The Shepherd’s Voice and Follow It”. Sincerity and Truth lead to The Narrow Way.  Deception and hypocrisy lead to The Wide Way, that leads to death; most of the people you see are on the “wide way”.  Get use to walking with you and God alone; that’s fine.


The Narrow Way is Different From The Way We “Naturally Want”.  Remember, we all were born in sin, and we all were shaped in iniquity!  To Love our neighbors as we love ourselves is not an easy thing, it takes effort and sacrifice, of which most people are not willing to do.  It is not an easy thing, but it is a wise and good thing.

Ask to Bless You With the Desire and Wisdom to

Chose the “Narrow Way of Love”, 

And Watch What Happens.


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