The Second Coming.

                                                              The Second Coming.


The First time as Savior, the Second time as King.


But in those days, “after that tribulation”, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.  And then shall they see the “Son of Man Coming In The Clouds With Great Power and Glory”. (Mark 13:24-26)


Prepare Today For The Second Coming!

The First Coming of Christ was Quiet, No One Saw Him.

The Second Coming Will Shake the Powers in Heaven, Every Eye Shall See Him.


The Bible Speaks Twice as much about the Second Coming of Jesus than it spoke about the First Coming Of Jesus.  I heard a man say, the best insurance for a good tomorrow is a “Well Lived Today”. To Love the Lord and to Love our Neighbor as we love ourselves, is how Kingdom Citizens “Live Each Day Well”.


Our Daily Nugget talks about “after that tribulation”.  Times will be tough in those days for the Kingdom Citizens.  The world will turn hard against the Church and those who Live in Obedience to the Bible; they will put us in prison for preaching and teaching Jesus.  The world is heading in that direction right now.


We must tell people about Jesus and Christianity with our “living” and with our “mouths”.  Remember, “What We Do Speak So Loud, Till No One Hears What We Say”.  We cannot afford to be hypocrites.   “Make a Decision” today to stand “In Those Days of Tribulation”.  Those days have already started, now is the time to stand with the Word over the world.  Are you ready to go to jail due to your Standing for Jesus?


Choose ye this day whom you will serve!


What Does it Profit a Man to Gain the Whole World and Lose His Soul?  Nothing!  The world is getting progressively darker and darker, now is when The Light of Love needs to Shine through the Life of the Kingdom Citizen.


Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom

To Stand in These Days as We Prepare To Meet Our King, at His Second Coming,

And Watch What Happens!


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