Don't Let Go!

                                                                    Don’t Let Go!

                                          The Wisdom In Persistence!


And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him “until the breaking of the day”.  Then he said, “Let me go, for the day has broken”.  But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me”. (Genesis 32:24 & 26)


How Bad Do You Want It?

Don’t Let Go Until You Get Your Blessing!


Our Daily Nugget 

is Jacob being in a Wrestling Match with an Angel, all night long.  The Angel hit Jacob on his hip and made him limp.  But Jacob would not let him go, even after he asked Jacob to let him go.  Jacob’s “heart/mind”, his Thinking Process”, was committed and determined to “Be Blessed”.


Jacob wanted his blessing. He knew that the Angel could bless him.  A blessing is a good thing, and he was determined to Get His Blessing from this Angel.  God has Angels blessing us today.


We have Guardian Angels today, with Blessings for us.

We should ask for our blessing, like Jacob asked for his blessing.

The Bible clearly tells that God sends angels to protect people: “He will give his angels charge of you” to “guard you” “in all your ways”.  On their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.  (Psalms 91:11-12)


Our Daily Nugget

is a perfect example of the Fruit of Persistency for us to use in our living.  Jacob wrestled “all night long” with the Angel.  The Bible gives another example in the scriptures of a man who had visitors come to his house late at night and he had no provisions for them. He asked his neighbor, but his neighbor said it was too late, they were all gone to bed.  On the third time he asked his neighbor, the neighbor said, get I’ll give you anything.  “The Fruit of Persistency in Prayer is Blessings”.


Angels are Spirits, the Spirit World Controls the Physical World!

Prayer activates the Spirit World to “Act” in accordance with “What” we Think.


“We have not because we ask not”.

God’s Word, the Bible says, “Ask and the World is Yours”.


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