Good Soil!

                                                                           Good Soil!

Good Soil “is not” Perfect Soil!


The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful.  But the seed falling in “good soil” refers to someone who hears the word and understands it.  This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.  (Matthew 13:22&23)


Good Soil – The Heart/Mind “Committed” to The Word!


Our Daily Nugget are about two sets of people.

The people who Loved the Word and People Who Loved the World.

God’s Word tell us that we can’t serve two masters, we will love one and hate one.


Our Love or Lack Thereof Determines Our Soil!

The Good Soil and the Thorns are determined in our Thinking Process, our heart/mind.  If we love the world we will worry about things of the world and will do whatever the world deems need to be done; we will cheat and steal to accumulate money, this will prevent us from “Understanding the Word”.


In the absence of Light, darkness fills the void; the Light is Love.


If we Love the Word we will be just and fair.  The natural self loves the world; therefore, we must Repent and be saved from this natural self, so that we can love.  To “Love” is to “Understand”.


God wants us, Kingdom Citizens to bear fruit, the way Jesus bore fruit.  He Loved, with Love comes understanding, The Light shows us the way, for He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light.  Riches are “deceitful”; that which we thought riches could accomplish, we will find it is like “Chasing the Wind”.


To bear fruit in this life is like “sending up timber”, building our house in heaven.  We will reap rewards throughout eternity from the Good Deeds we do here on earth.  Through our good deeds and bad deeds, we and our household are blessed or cursed.


Commit Your Heart/Mind to the Lord, and 

ask God to Bless You To Be Good Soil,

And Watch What Happens.


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