Live It.

                                                                             Live It.


Make It Real, “For You”!


This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.  If we say we have fellowship with Him while we walk (Live) in darkness (disobedience), “we lie” and do not practice the Truth.  But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, “we have fellowship with one another”, and “the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin”.  If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the Truth is not in us.  If we “confess” our sins, he is faithful and just “to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”.  (1 John 1:5-9)


There is no Salvation for “The Liar”.

To “walk in the light” is not to say we have no sin.

New Creatures “Live It”, Old Creatures “Don’t Live It”.

The Bible does not say that “we’ve got to grow into it”, the Liar does!


It is impossible to be a New Creature and an Old Creature at the same time.  Our Living “Shows”, “Proves”, which creature we are. To say, I Believe and Live Like I Don’t Believe, means I lied when I said I Believe and are still on my way to hell.


Our Daily Nugget

is making it plain that Kingdom Citizens “Are No Longer the Old Creature”, but the New Creature.  Our Living is the evidence for “Proving” which Creature we are.  Living like the New Creature means we are the New Creature.  Living like the Old Creature means we lied, when we said we believe; and are still the Old Creature, trying to “Trick God” into allowing us into His Kingdom.


Confess – To confess Jesus is to “be of one word” with Him, to say what He says.

                 Our Saying “Will Lead To Our Doing”; otherwise, we lied.


To confess Jesus as our Lord, and to Live Like Satan is our Lord, 

means “We Lied When We said we Believe”, and we are still a “Lost Old Creature”.


The Bible tells us that there are people who said they Believed, they confessed, all their lives, only to find out at judgement that they “Lied”.  The Bible tells us that “God is not Mocked”, which means that “no one makes a fool out of God”.


Ask God to Bless You with the Wisdom to

“Make It Real For You” and “Watch Your Christlike Living Blossom”!


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