


All Kingdom Citizens are Ministers of the Gospel.


Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul.  Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may “see your good deeds” and “glorify God” on the day He visits us.  (1 Peter 2:11)


Sinful Desires are “At War” against “Your Soul”, to destroy your ministry.

Your Soul is the real you, after the body dies the soul lives on throughout eternity, either with God or Satan.  Satan want the real you to dwell with him in eternity.


Ministers Must Abstain!

Ministers living Holy, glorify God.

The accuser’s job is to accuse the Ministers.

The Minister’s Job is to “Live Above Reproach”.

Ministers Must Live Godly Lives Among a Pagan Society!


God has never required His Ministers to live without ever making a mistake or committing a sin; God has required us to “Live Holy”; “To Love”.  To Live Holy is to have a “Heart/Mind” that is “Set Apart” to “Do God’s Work”.  The world will not follow Ministers if we live just like them.


Yielding to sinful desires “Destroys the Witness of the Ministers”!

Yielding not to temptation shows the world what Living for Jesus, looks like.


The accuser wants us to “Give Up on Living Holy” and succumb to living a defeated sin filled life.   If you believe that “Nothing” is Too Hard for God; then you must include leading you to “Live Holy”.  There is No Sin Too Great for Jesus to save us from.


To believe that there is sin that God cannot save us from is to believe that God “Does Not have All Power”.  Satan wants us to give up and give in to sin.  If your child was dying and you could save them; “Wouldn’t You”, especially if He Asked You to Save Him?  How bad do you want to be saved or do you want to be saved?  


The Bible directs Ministers to “Fast and Pray”,

to get rid of those tenacious demons that we think “Must” be with us all our lives.


Stand still, Trust God, and Watch His Power From On High To Save!

Remember, Light and Darkness cannot occupuy the Same Place at the Same Time.


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