The Righteous May Enter.

                                                         The Righteous May Enter.


None but the Righteous, Shall See God.


The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you, and your whole family”, because I have found you “righteous” in this generation.  (Genesis 7:1)


Jesus is our Ark Today.  Only the Righteous can enter into His Rest.


Righteousness – Means living in “right relationship” with God, other people, and all creation.  The Bible defines “right relationship”.  We act with righteousness when we live justly, honestly, and faithfully, according to God’s Instructions.  


Religion and tradition are not God’s Instructions; the Bible is God’s Instruction Manual. Our Righteousness or our unrighteousness is based on how we “Obey or Disobey the Bible”, not how we obey or disobey religion and tradition.


Our Living and our Dying “will” Follow our Focus.

Noah was Focused on God; the people were Focused on Self/Pleasure.


There is nothing new under the sun.  Right Living was required by God in Noah’s Day to enter God’s Protection, the ark;  Right Living is required by God Today to enter God’s Protection, Jesus.  Even though Jesus has brought us “Salvation”, right living is still required  for his Salvation.  Salvation is free, Right Living, Obedience, is evidence that we have accepted God’s Salvation.


Noah lived Right and brought salvation for Him and his household.  Our Living Right or Wrong brings Salvation or Damnation to us and to our households.  Many of the blessings and curses we and our households are facing is due to our Living Right or Wrong.  Repent Today, save yourself and your household.


The Bible says, none but the Righteous shall see God.

Jesus Did Not Live Right, So That We Can Enjoy Living Wrong.

To treat God’s Grace as a “Cheap Thing” is to Live in “Unrighteousness”!


Ask God to Bless You with the Desire and the Wisdom to 

“Live In Righteousness”

And Watch What Happens!


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