The True Self.

                                                                     The True Self.


The Child-of-God Self.


But whoever did want him, who believed he was who he claimed and would do what he said, He made to be their “true selves”, their Child-of-God selves.  

(John 1:12)


The True Self is based on the Word not the World.

The True Self is based on God’s Word not on Man Made Rules and Regulations.


Our Daily Nugget

is God’s Offer of Salvation; this Salvation saves from “everything” we need saving from.  We need saving from the Penalty, the Power, and the Presence of Sin.  All who “Wanted Jesus” and “Believed” He was who he said that Jesus made them to be their True Selves, “Looking and Living Like Him”.


We were saved from the Penalty of sin when we “First Believed”; we are saved from the Power of sin “As Often was we ‘Trust’ Him to Save Us”.  We must “Want Jesus” and we “Must Believe” that He will save us and “Do What He Said”.  We will never know what Jesus said, “If We Do Not ‘Study’ the Bible”.  The Bible tells us what the “True Self Is to Look Like”.


A “huge problem” today is Christians don’t know what the Bible says.  When Christians don’t know what the Bible says, we default to religion and tradition as “The Way”.  This makes God jealous, and man’s way becomes more important than God’s Way.  Man’s way, religion, and tradition, becomes our “god”.  The Bible warns us that there is A Way that seems right, but it leads to death.


The True Self is not based on Religion nor Tradition.

The True Self, the Child-of-God Self, “Looks Like Jesus”.

It is not strange for the child to exhibit characteristics of the Father.

It is indeed very strange for the child to exhibit no characteristics of the Father.


The Child-of-God Self Can Enjoy the “Abundant Life”.  We must Love the Lord, we do this by “Loving One Another”.  Make no mistake about, “If We Do Not Love Our Neighbor, We Do Not Love the Lord”.  Love is doing.  Jesus said, as you do for the least of the people, “You Do It For Me”.


Exhibit Your “True Self” today, “Love”!


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