What Then?

                                                                        What Then?


Vanity of Vanity – All Is Vanity.


Laughter, I said, is madness; and what does pleasure accomplish? 

(Ecclesiastes 2:2)

I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart (mind) no pleasure.  My heart (mind) took delight in all my labor, and this was the “reward” for all my toil.  

(Ecclesiastes 2:10)


Thou shall have no other “god” before me.

After I have fulfilled all “my” heart/mind’s desires; “What Then”?


Vain – Empty, nothing, worthless, or to no good purpose.

Vanity – The idea is almost exclusively that of “emptiness”, including “idolatry” and “wickedness” as being not only evil but vain and empty things.  They also signify falseness.


What Then?

Although just two words, “This is a Big Question”. It is wise to answer, “Before Any Endeavor”, if we do not answer it correctly, before we began any endeavor, then our endeavors can prove to be vain, empty, worthless, idolatrous, wicked, evil, etc., not prosperous.  When we walk in vanity, we “Leave God Out”.


Ask God to “Help You”; this will help to prevent vanity.

Vanity “Leaves God Out”; when God is left out, Satan fills the void.

Wisdom says, “Make God the Alpha and the Omega of all your endeavors”.


A child is born, he goes to school, he graduates from high school and college; “What Then”?  After graduating from college, he gets a good job and become financially secure; “What Then”?  He gets married raise a family, the children grow, they get married, starts their own family; “What Then”?  He retires from work; “What Then”?  He dies, “What Then”?  Eternity in Heaven or hell; “What Then”?


Only what we do for Christ will last and be “Counted In The End”!


Ask God to Bless You With the wisdom to 

answer the most important question before you began, “What Then”?

Now, Watch How You Avoid Vanity.


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