Say So!

                                                                            Say So!

                                                 What Did You Say?


Therefore it is of “faith”, that it might be by “grace”; to the end the promise might be sure to “all the seed”’ not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the “faith” of Abraham; who is the father of us all, before “Him” whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and “calleth those things which be not as though they were”.  (Romans 4:16&17) 


Speak those things that are not, as if, they are!

This “principle” works for good as well as for bad.

To the world, this is a lie; to the Kingdom Citizen it is Faith.


The Bible tells us that “The Power of Life and Death” is in the tongue.  Our words have creative power, like God’s Words.  Even if we are not aware of this principle of life “it is still working”.  I feel, I am weak, but “Let the weak ‘Say’ I Am Strong”.


Our Faith Leads Us To God’s Grace!

We must not follow our feelings, but our Faith.

Never Think or Say what you do not want to happen.


Remember, the spirit world controls the physical world.  Our Words, sets the spirit world into action. What we “Speak” is the fruit of what we “Think”.  Thinking is spiritual activity; whatever we fill our heart/mind with guides our mouth to say the things we speak. We must not allow what we see or hear to guide what we say.


Often, how we “feel” guides “what we say”; this is foolishness, infantile,  and will lead to death.  This occurs when we allow our “Feelings to dominate our Thinking Process”.  We control what we Think, our feelings don’t; our feelings are not us.


We “Will” Eat the fruit of Our Words.

God has given us “Control, Power, Over Our Words”!

What we “say”, let’s everyone know what is in our heart/mind.

Think this, “We Must Give An Account to God of Every Idle Word We Speak”.


To “Fill” our heart/mind with God’s Word, the Bible, “Is Victory”!


Ask God to Bless You With 

The Wisdom To “Think Right”, as this will lead you to “Speak Right”,

And Watch What Happens.


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