The Purpose of Pain.

                                                              The Purpose of Pain.

Pain lets us know there is a Problem. 


And the God of “all grace”, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, “after you have suffered a little while”, will “Himself Restore You and Make You Strong”, firm and steadfast.  To him be the power for ever and ever.  Amen.  (1 Peter 5:10&11) 


God Knows What We Have Need of Before We Ask!


God’s Grace shows up in our Pain!

Pain is for a reason and only lasts a season.

Jesus offers Salvation and Restoration from our Pain.

Our Greatest Growth and Blessings oftentimes come with Pain.


Our Daily Nugget is the culmination of Peter explaining to the people and to us on 

“How to Live As Kingdom Citizens While Here On Earth”.

All about Humility, one to another; in a world of suffering. (Verses 1-9)


As Kingdom Citizens we are to “Count It All Joy”; the good and the bad. God is going to make it “Good For You”. Imagine life without pain.  Pain is a Blessing; it tells us when we need to seek a solution to problems. Without pain we would not know that something is wrong and need to be fixed or corrected.


When our pain seems more than we can bare, always, just remember:

“Our Deliverer Is Coming, Our Lord is Standing By”.


What “Needless Pain” we bare because we do not take it to the Lord and “Leave It There”!  Jesus has paid it all; He will not allow more pain on us than we can bare.


To remember is to Think; thinking is Spiritual Activity.  To remember that Our Lord is standing by to deliver us from our pain is to fill our heart/mind with security, assurance, faith, hope, joy, gladness, happiness, deliverance.  These things are light, they lead to “Life”.  When the light comes, the darkness must go. We and our households will be delivered from our pain and protected from pain.


Our God is a Good Father, with All Power.  He loves for us to depend on Him and not to fret or fear concerning dilemmas facing us.  God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of Faith, trusting our Lord and Savior. Our Pain Will Lead to Our Gain!  The Fruit of Our Pain is God’s Blessings!  To sow in tears is to reap in Joy!


Call on the Lord Today to Deliver and Restore You, with Strength, From Your Pain

And Watch What Happens!


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