The Secret to "Being Content".

                                                    The Secret to “Being Content”.


Contentment is A “Learned Mentality”!


I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the “secret of being content” in any and every situation, whether “well fed or hungry”, whether “living in plenty or want”.  I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.  (Philippians 4:12-13)


A Thankful and Trusting Spirit Keeps us Content.


Jealousy and an Unthankful Spirit prevents us from Being Content! Also, refusing to love the world and the things in the world allows us to be content and thankful. Understanding that “Plenty nor Want” last forever allows us to be Content and Thankful.  Naked we came into this world and naked we are going out!  Anything above our nakedness is reason to be content.


Two Things that are never content with what they have,

Greed and the Grave; they both are always demanding and wanting more. The Bible says, always wanting more and more for ourselves is idolatry, the worshipping of false “gods”.  God said, we should have no other god before Him.  Always wanting more and more for ourselves is sin, for it is disobedience to the Word.


The Bible tells us that if we have clothing and food, we should be content.  We “learn” to be content or to be discontented.  We all came into this world in need and want of everything; we all have more than we came into this world with.  All throughout our lives we have more or less at different times.  Be Thankful!


To be content or discontented is a 

“Fruit of our Thinking Process”; it is not based on what we have or don’t have.


Imagine a country where home ownership is not even a dream, the goal of most people is to get an apartment and they feel they have “arrived” and are now “content”.  Prosperity came to that country and some people began to have houses.  The people still in the apartments looked around at their neighbors with houses and yards and now that are no longer content with their apartments.  The demon of jealousy tells them that they “deserve” a house and yard also, now they are no longer content and are unthankful for their apartment.


Our Daily Nugget is telling us that the “Heart/Mind” 

stayed on Jesus and Trusting in His Strength is the Secret to Contentment.


Ask God to Bless You With a Contented Spirit and Watch What Happens!


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