The Spirit & Our Purpose!

                                                           The Spirit & Our Purpose!


The Spirit “Knows” Our Purpose and Us!


And He who searches our hearts (minds) knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit “intercedes” for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.  And we know that “In ‘All Things’ ‘God Works’ for the Good of those Who Love Him”, who have been called according to “His Purpose”.  (Romans 8:27&28)


Do You “Love the Lord”?  Love is not a Feeling, it’s a Doing.

To Love the Lord is to Obey the Lord.  Obeying the Bible is Obeying the Lord.

There is just “Too Much” We Don’t Know!  We must “Learn” to hear and to obey the Holy Spirit.  We must Trust the Leadership of the Spirit, concerning Our Purpose!


God says, My sheep hears My voice and non-other will they follow.

Ask God to Bless You to Hear and to Obey the Spirit.  The Spirit World controls the Physical World.  The Spirit knows Our Purpose; He is like our Road Map for Living!  The Spirit sees down the road and guide and lead us in “The Right Way”.  Our purpose “Is Not” to accumulate more stuff than our neighbors and die.


Our Daily Nugget

is letting us know that “If we Love (Obey) the Lord”, that God has got our back through The Spirit.  The spirit world is real with power over life, the physical world is not real and has no power over life. We can do “all things”, but only through the Spirit.  This understanding should guide us to a humble and trusting heart/mind.


God’s Purpose for us is Twofold:

1.    To Love the Lord with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength.

2.    To Love our neighbors as we Love ourselves.


      Through Kingdom Citizens Loving, we provide for the needs of one another.

The only reason we are on this earth is to “Fulfill Our Purpose”.  When we forget the “Purpose of Life”, “Life Has No Meaning”.  It is As If We are Chasing The Wind.

Our “Real Purpose” has nothing to do with “worldly accomplishments”.


The Lord “Loves” to “Love” Us; we let Him through Obedience to the Bible.


Ask God to Bless You 

With the Wisdom to Hear and to Obey His Spirit All Day

And Watch How You “Live Your Purpose”!


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