The Voice!

                                                                        The Voice!


Tells us the “Way Out” of Dilemmas!


Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear “A Voice” behind you, saying, “This is The Way”; “Walk In It”.  (Isaiah 30:21)

God is Faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, He will also provide a “Way Out” so that you can endure it.  

(1 Corinthians 10:13)


The Voice of God and the Voice of Satan are always speaking to us.

The Voice of God will always line up with The Word of God, in the Bible.

We must Study the Bible to know God’s Voice or the Voice of the Demonic Spirits.


Listen for The Voice! God says, we are not orphans; for He will not leave us fatherless.  The Ark Was A Way Out in Noah’s Day!  Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, is our Way Out Today!  God has always allowed us to accept or reject His Way Out!

This is The Day, Now is the Hour, to “Hear and Obey” the Voice of God.


Our Daily Nugget 

is letting us know that God’s Voice is speaking to us today to tell us the Way Out.  To love the world over loving the Word will “prevent” us from Hearing and Obeying the Voice.  God tolerates no rivals; we cannot hear and obey God’s Voice while listening to the world’s voice.   A Heart/Mind that has a desire to “Love the Lord” and to “Love Their Neighbor”, is a heart/mind “prepared” to hear and obey the voice.


The Voice tells us how to handle correctly, “All Dilemmas”!

If you are not sure which voice you are listening to, “Ask God” to make it plain.


God makes His Voice available and plain to everyone who has a Sincere Desire to Hear and Obey Him.  The chatter of the world is not a deterrent to us hearing and obeying the Voice of God.  A selfish spirit is a “big deterrent” to hearing and obey the Voice of God.


The Voice of God is at the 

Door of each of our Heart/Mind Knocking,  We “Open the Door” through “Love”!


Ask God to Bless you to Hear and Obey “The Voice”, and to “Open the Door”, and 

“Watch the Wisdom in Your Choices”.


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