Who Lives in You?

                                                               Who Lives in You?


Does Christ Live in You or do You live in You?


For through the law, I died to the law so that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.   The life I now live in the body, I live by Faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.  (Galatians 2:20)


Christ or Self Lives in me, but not both.

The answer to our title and subtitle will show itself in “How We Live”!


Our Daily Nugget occurs fourteen years after Saul met Jesus and was renamed Paul by Jesus and sent to Preach the Gospel to the Gentiles.  Saul was famous for persecuting the Church.  He held fast to religions and traditions until he met Jesus.  The apostles did not trust that Paul had repented and become a Kingdom Citizen.


After Paul explained to them how Jesus sent him to preach to the gentiles like Jesus sent the apostles to preach the gospel to the Jews, they were comfortable with him.  Paul had to give the apostles a lesson in sincerity and truth when Peter and some of the other apostles were hypocrites in their actions with the gentiles.  (verses 16-19).


Paul and we must Speak the Truth in Love.

Through Jesus we can “Walk In Newness of Life”!

Sincerity and Truth “Must” Guide the Kingdom Citizen’s “Living”!

Hypocrisy runs people away from Christ, Righteousness runs people to Christ.


Our Daily Nugget is telling us that we must repent, die to self being first in our thinking, our heart mind and we must put God and His Word as first in our Thinking and therefore in our living.  We must die to self, religions, traditions, the world’s way, no matter where in the world we are at.  If Christ is not first, we’re wrong.


The law is not the “saving vehicle” we need, we need grace.  The more grace we give to others, the more grace we receive.  Do not judge, lest you be judged; give and it shall be giving unto you, love and you shall receive love.  Die to the law and you will receive life.


Please God, by Living Like Jesus!


Always remember, 

as a Kingdom Citizen it is no longer “I” who lives, but it is Christ Living in me.  

Represent Well!


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