The Power in Modesty!

                                                         The Power in Modesty!


Should I or Should I Not be “Modest”?


For by grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not “think” of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather “think” of yourself with “sober judgment”, in accordance with “The Faith” God has distributed to each of you.  (Romans 12:3)


The modest spirit has “died to self”!

Modesty – The road to a “Stress Free”, and “Fruitful”, Life!

The modest person knows that “Through Christ” they can do “All Things”!


God “Has Given” each of us “The Faith” we need to do the work that He has created us to do.  To believe and understand this fact, gives us the “Courage” to be “Modest”.  There is no need for the modest person to prove anything to anybody, including self.

The modest person is concerned about how God sees them and not people.


Modesty – An off shoot of “Humility”; More of God and less of self, its trademark.

                Evidence that one has placed their hope and trust in God and not self.

       Pride and selfishness fill the void when modesty is absent.

Sober Judgment – A phrase that means to have an “objective eye” and to “accurately

assess oneself and situations”.  Also to view the world and oneself from God’s 



Modesty is what we’ve got when we die to self and choose to live for Jesus.  Loving the Lord and Loving Others are the two most important things, and we show it by using our bodies as a “Living Sacrifice”.  A Living Sacrifice occurs when what I want takes back seat to what God’s wants of me.


On our own we “can-do no-good thing”; this fact of life guides the Modest person”.

God is pleased when we have “modest hearts/minds”.  The absence of modesty is pride.  God causes life to work against the pride filled person; to get them to repent and to bring Salvation to themselves and their households.


The Modest Person “Trust Jesus” to Come Through, in Faith!

To accept God’s Grace shows itself in our “Modesty” and our “Sober Judgment”!


Ask God to Bless You 

To Exercise the Faith that God Has Given You to be Modest, 

And Watch What Happens!


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